Shiva Sutra 1: Chaitanyamatma
Essence: Your consciousness is yourself, from which everything has been created. If one understands this and wakes up to this consciousness, one can reach the ultimate goal.
Shiva Sutra 2: Jnanam Bandha
Essence: Limited knowledge creates bondage. Without obtaining knowledge of the self, of “Who am
I?” we go about acquiring knowledge of the world, of “What is this?’ and this causes bondage.
Shiva Sutra 3: Yonivargah kalasariram
Essence: The whole world is one yoni, one body. Within that, all different types of bodies have emerged from one consciousness. This body is a piece of art; created out of the five elements
and belongs to the universe.
Shiva Sutra 4: Jnanadhisthanam matrka
Essence: Go to the root of knowledge, silence. Words are the root cause of misery.
Shiva Sutra 5: Udyamao bhairavah
Essence: “Udyamo” means effort; “bhairava” means he who nourishes and creates fullness. When you invest 100 per cent of your energy in any action, there is no regret, fear or anxiety. The mind
experiences completeness; turns inward and becomes peaceful.
Shiva Sutra 6: Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah
Essence: When you direct your attention to the energy centres of the body, the world of worries
and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. There will be peace.
Shiva Sutra 7: Jagrat svapna susuptabhede turyabhogasambhavah
Essence: The three states of consciousness are the awakened state, the dream state and the state
of deep sleep. Only when one distinguishes between these states, can one experience the fourth
state. It is the state where the mind is awake though the body is resting.
Shiva Sutra 8:Jnanam jagratah
Essence: The knowledge of the external world is available only in the waking state. Although the
eyes are open and the ears listening, the mind is somewhere else. Such a state is not the waking
Shiva Sutra 9:Svapno vikalpah
Essence: The dream state is when we are not in the present and struggling either with the past
or the future. Dream means vikalpa and it drains the energy of our body. We need to come out of
this and only then we will be happy.
Shiva Sutra 10:Aviveko maya sausuptam
Essence: The state of deep sleep is lack of discrimination and lack of awareness. Sleep is not
being aware of the present situation. In sleep, no learning happens. Instead, we repeat mistakes
over and over again.
Shiva Sutra 11:Tritaya bhokta virshah
Essence: A brave man enjoys the three states of waking, dreaming and sleep with detachment.
Shiva Sutra 12:Vismayo yoga bhumikah
Essence: Wonder is the basis for union. It is our nature and a sign of life. Only knowledge that
creates wonder in you is real knowledge. Live life with wonder.
Shiva Sutra 13:Iccha shaktir uma kumari
Essence: The energy of desire never reaches its goal and desire remains a virgin. When you
honour desire, those desires that are necessary get fulfilled and those that are unnecessary
fall away.
Shiva Sutra 14:Drisyam shariram
Essence: The body is scenary or whatever is seen, all of that is the body. Withdraw your focus
from the scene, bring it to your vision and look at your body. Transform your body into the
Shiva Sutra 15:Hridaye chittasanghattad drisyasvapadarshnam
Essence: Immerse the mind in the heart. Then you will always feel that what you see belongs to
Shiva Sutra 16:Shuddhatattva sandhanadvaa pashushaktih
Essence: When you are absorbed in purity, a sense of belongingness arises in you. Only when you
feel that everything is part of you can there be purity and sacredness.
Shiva Sutra 17:Svapadam shaktih
Essence: You will find strength when you rest in your Self. You are strength! Your essence is
Shiva Sutra 18:Vitarka atmajnanam
Essence: Knowledge of the Self is possible only through vitarka or special logic.
Shiva Sutra 19:Lokananda samadhi sukham
Essence: The happiness of samadhi radiates waves of joy to the world.
Shiva Sutra 20:Shakti sandhane sharirotpattih
Essence: A body comes into being by the union of energies. It is not that either man or woman is
superior. Both energies are equal, and only through their union can bodies be created.
Shiva Sutra 21:Bhutasandhana bhutaprithaktva vishvasanghattah
Essence: This world is created by and moves due to the union and separation of five elements –
water, fire, air, earth and space. This world has come from God and it is God.
Shiva Sutra 22:Shuddha vidyodayachchakre shatvasiddhih
Essence: When pure knowledge dawns in you, everything belongs to you. Look at every situation
with pure knowledge and see the problems simply fade away.
Shiva Sutra 23:Chittam mantrah
Essence: Mind should become the mantra. When the mind becomes quiet again and again, this is
called mantra. There will be no difference between the mind and the mantra.
Shiva Sutra 24:Prayatnah sadhakadah
Essence: A sadhak should put good efforts and make these efforts a sadhana. Life itself becomes
an effort. Do any work and get involved in it so much that you do not feel tired, that is sadhana.
Shiva Sutra 25:Gururupayah
Essence: Guru is the means. Once you accept someone as your Guru, in time you will be able to
see the nature of the Guru in yourself.
Shiva Sutra 26:Shariram havih
Essence: The body is pure. It is an offering in the flames of time and happenings in the world.
Life is an offering.
Shiva Sutra 27:Jnanamannam
Essence: Knowledge is food. If you have knowledge, your pleasantness and enthusiasm will
increase and overflow. The more you know, the more your mind will be full of happiness.
Shiva Sutra 28:Vidyam samhare taduttha svapnadarsanam
Essence: When the knowledge is lost, dreams start. In dreams you are either in yesterday or
tomorrow. Live in the present and be full of happiness.
Shiva Sutra 29:Atma chittam
Essence: The mind itself is the Self. The mind is part of the Divine.
Shiva Sutra 30:Kaladinam tattvanam aviveko maya
Essence: When we see a situation in a limited way, the knowledge obtained will also be limited,
and we feel, “My life is only this.” This is called maya.
Shiva Sutra 31:Mohavaranat siddhih
Essence: Perfection happens through a veil of attachment. Attachment to knowledge brings you to
listen to knowledge. If attachment stays within limits, it will bring success. But if it exceeds
it's limit, it brings misery.
Shiva Sutra 32:Mohajayadanantabhogat sahajavidya jayah
Essence: With victory over attachment, you find unlimited enjoyment, naturalness automatically
arises in you, and you can succeed in any work without any effort.
Shiva Sutra 33:Jagrad dvitiyakarah
Essence: The waking state is like our left hand. All the situations that take place in the
waking state are not so significant.
Shiva Sutra 34:Nartaka atma
Essence: The Self is like a dancer or an actor in a play.
Shiva Sutra35 : Rangontaratma
Essence: The inner Self, the heart and the mind are the stage. When you are established in the
Self, new feelings and ideas come up and are expressed at each moment.
Shiva Sutra 36:Dhivasat sattvasiddhih
Essence: Through the intellect comes purity and balance.
Shiva Sutra 37:Siddhah svatantrabhavah
Essence: Our sense organs are spectators. All the happenings in the world is witnessed by our
senses. A sage is free from the sway of feelings.
Shiva Sutra 38:Bijavadhanam
Essence: Nurture the seeds of peace, tranquility, pleasantness and love. Water them and ensure
that they grow. Do sadhana so that this happens.
Shiva Sutra 39:Asanasthah sukham hride nimajjati
Essence: Sit down and soak yourself in the happiness that is experienced by your heart.
Shiva Sutra 40:Svamatra nirmananapadayati
Essence: Each one is responsible for raising his own level of consciousness. To the extent that
one is centered and firmly established in the Self, that much he will find happiness in positive
Shiva Sutra 41:Vidyaa vinashe janma vinashah
Essence: When knowledge is permanent, one is established in unshakable truth, the eternal
principle, and the mind will not go through restlessness, discontent and sadness again.
Shiva Sutra 42:Kavargadishu mahesvaryadhyah pashumatarah
Essence: The mantras we use for different purposes have limited strength. Your actions are
limited and the results of those actions are also limited. Only consciousness has unlimited
power. Understand this clearly and rest in your Self.
Shiva Sutra 43:Trishu caturtham tailavadasecyam
Essence: The experience of the fourth state of consciousness pervades the other three states.
Watching all the experiences, thoughts and emotions as a witness, consciousness crosses over the
three states.
Shiva Sutra 44:Magnah svachittena pravishet
Essence: One who is absorbed in his own mind, in his Self, enters into his peaceful nature.
Shiva Sutra 45:Pranasamachare samadarshanam
Essence: When you observe the prana, the subtle life-force, you will be equanimous. Life longs
for equanimity, happiness and peace.
Shiva Sutra 46: Madhyeavaraprasavah
Essence: When you are doing spiritual practices, do not worry if obstacles come up. It is
natural that they come.
Shiva Sutra 47:Shariravittirvratam
Essence: Looking at all the happenings in the body with love and care is an observance. The
activities of the body are to be treated with respect and kindness; that is vrata.
Shiva Sutra 48 :Katha japah
Essence: ‘Ja’ means to be born and ‘pa’ means to care for. That which is born in the mind,
sustains our life and leads to an increase in spirituality is japa. Each word is spoken with
love, like a prayer.
Shiva Sutra 49 :Danam atmajnanam
Essence: The best gift is self-knowledge. A person comes out of his misery and uplifts himself.
An enlightened person self-knowledge is seen in his every action and every gift he gives.
Shiva Sutra 50 : Vidya shariram sattam mantrarahasyam
Essence: With a mantra, knowledge spreads throughout the body and the consciousness. Everything
is born from mantra, the origin or root of creation is sound.
Shiva Sutra 51:Yo vipastho jna hetushcha
Essence: One who is established in the Self understands the origin of knowledge. All knowledge
originates in the consciousness, which is inside us.
Shiva Sutra 52 :Svashaktipracayoasya vishvam
Essence: Everything runs through the power of consciousness. All the activities in our life
happen through the energy of consciousness.
Shiva Sutra 53 :Tat pravrittavapyanirashah sanvenribhavat
Essence: Even though an enlightened person is involved in action, he is beyond action and has
attained a higher state. Do not see an enlightened being through his actions, but feel his presence.
Shiva Sutra 54 : Sukhadukhah yorbahirmananam
Essence: Look at happiness and misery as though it is happening outside of you. Remind yourself
again and again that they are happening outside your mind.
Shiva Sutra 55 : Shivarpanamastu
Essence: Offer everything to Shiva. Become the embodiment of knowledge; do not look for
knowledge somewhere else. Sit, meditate and see that you are knowledge.
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